Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Segmenting and Targeting Markets
A big part of what makes the world go around, is the mere fact that money needs to circulate in order for one's survival. The way the world revolves around is with the value of money. It is a key aspect of what we need in order to survive on this planet. The circulation of money from consumer to seller is a key aspect in what we do in our daily life. Without that life as we know it would be dull, and the economic growth of the world will collapse and life was we know it would be pretty much over. In order for any company to survive from any type of downfall, it needs to be in a market that is suitable for it's products. Companies that thrive in their markets are those consumers want to buy from and most of their resources goes into their profit. AEO is a comapny that thrives in the apparel market as one of the most bargainable companies that will sell you a product for a great price. They use a demographic segementation market that appesals to the age, gender, etc. to select their target market in order to reach their potential customers. AEO rules the apparel market with an iron fist in teen and tween fashion. Every teen is wearign the eagle embedded shirts, jeans, sweatpants, and anythign that is on the product line. AEO has a niche in the apparel and will continue to have success with it's companies aerie and 77 kids.
Monday, November 14, 2011
AE New Products
New products is a way for a company to expand their horizons and take risks when it comes to if their risk will succeed for fail. It is also a chance to see if their business will go up or spiral downward. New products keeps the consumers interested in one's company and make the consumers come back for more because if a company can only produce one thing, then it will be just a matter of time before the company runs out of business and sink to their demise. A new product can lead to many creations of it or different versions of it and can help a company be successful for a long time. For example, my AEO has a bunch of new products that are being released this month or have already been released. Since the change of season is among us, AE has brought out a new collection for men and women. For men they have brought out: AE leather bomber jackets, AE Puffer jackets, AE classic pea coat, AE hooded duffel coat, AE utility parka, AE vintage CPO jackets, and AE military jackets along with AE flannels just to name a few. The same goes for women too except that AE has a wide variety of new boots, ear muffs, gloves, scarfs, hats, shoes, and lots more just for the winter season. Since AE has a fall/winter collection, consumers keep coming back for more due to the fact that customers who are loyal to AE and see what AE has to offer, know that they will get what they are looking for at a bargainable price. Nowadays, everybody is looking for a bargain!

AEO Holiday Special
This collection however, unlike seasons past (at least to us), seems more rugged, edgier and decidedly less frilly but it still has the classic youthful charm so central to AEO. Look for loads of plaid pairings, puffier down jacket with faux fur trimmings, stripe knits, college style sweaters with asymmetrical inspired prints, and of course there’s still the cool selection of jeans. The dresses are as always pretty, tasteful and absolutely refined. Look for spaghetti straps accents with tulle accents, tank dresses with appliqué and or lacy details.
This collection is slated to arrive in stores beginning in late October/early November.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
AEO does a wonderful job of promoting AEO products. Without their stellar promotions, AEO wouldn't be where they are today without the hard work of their marketing team. They do such a wonderful job marketing all their products they have for AEO such as shirts, jeans, flannel tops, cologne, winter accessories, etc. The key to having a successful promotion is to directly communicate with the consumers in a clear and precise way that the consumers understand what is going on and lets them know what products they have on sale and which products are new and which products are discounted and etc. AEO advertises through a range of outlets such as television, billboards, transit cards, and mainly on the Internet. They have their own website which is perfect for tweens and teens as they live online and their website is so easy to access, anyone can get what they want right at their fingertips. Their website also includes what is currently happening, what sales they have going on and also what new products that might interest you. AEO publicity is also key in why they are so successful due to their facebook page which links you to their website and also advretises on the facebook page too. AEO also has sales promotions which means that they give u free shipping for your entire purchase or 30% off in stores and online, and also gives you a AE rewards card so you would wanna keep on buying there. AEo does incorporate personal seling because when you enter their store, they have signs to let know knowhow much they cost and if its on sale and also a sales associate will help you if you need further assistence. AEo promotions are on-point and will help you tremendously and will keep you shopping at AEO.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
My company, American Eagle Outfitters have a wide variety of products. Mostly in apparel, products can range from a shirt to underwear, and not forgetting accessories such as jewelry to wallets. AEO can dress you from head to toe and inside and out. We have products such as shirts, t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, polo shirts, jackets, socks, underwear, and much more. AEO is known for its clothing line that sits popular with tweens and teenagers. AEO products can be considered to be business products and consumer products. I believe so because without AEO producs usch as the shirts and jeans and other products they will ahve no business and it is a consumer product because it does fulfill one's desires and wants. It is a neccesity to buy AEO brand clothes because we can do find without the eagle embedded on out chests. That is why it is a consumer product. They have a huge product line from all the different categories in clothes whethe it be from short to long sleeves or to winter wear to summer wear, their product line is so diverese that it keep growing as the seasons change. AEO also has a product line extension called 77kids that are especially for kids. They can wear the same style of clothing as tweens and teens wear. After all most kids look up to their oldre siblings and want to be like their older siblings and wear what they wear. The brand of AEO is the eagle that is trademarked and also on every single AEO item which is known worldwide. AEO is known for its bargainable prices that makes it the top selling brand in America.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion is a very key aspect to any successful business. It helps you advertise the product, company, and it helps you sell your goods and services. Sales promotion actually is the main reason why you make sales in the first place because without it the consumers will never know what your company is about and the reason for your existence. Sales promotion is the exposure your company and products need in order to get the attention of the potential consumer if your product is needed or not. American Eagle does an excellent job about sales promotion. For example if you were to walk up to any tween or teen and ask them what is their favorite brand to wear, their answer would be either A&F, Aereopostale or American Eagle. The brand any teenager wears is most likely AE because they have better sales promotion than A&F and Aereopostale. American Eagle believes in consumers sales promotion which agrees with retail apparel. They focus on their target market which leads to a wider range of market. For example if you target tweens and teens and young adults, the parents who end up paying for the purchase might be interested in the brand too, thus leading to an expansion of the target market. AE also focuses on every type of buyer. They focus on Loyal customers by offering AE credit cards and discounts of 20-30% off from their purchase. AE focuses on Competitor's consumers because the buyers that visit AE often wear either A&F and Aereopostale. Brand switchers also buy form AE because they tend to want to fit in with the trend and what is happening now. And of course the Price buyers because AE is the least expensive brand that made it earn it's reputation of being the bargainable brand. They way AE promotes their products is the reason for their success. The discounts online and in store, their less expensive pricing, and the advertising of AE with the help of celebrities like Selena Gomez, and Leighton Meester. help propel AE to another level.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Advertising is a very important part of marketing. Besides the importance of the consumer, getting people to know about the product is only the first step to being a successful business. Before you can walk you have to crawl, and in order to sell products or goods or services, you have to make any source of advertising available to you in order to get the product out there. Failure to do so will result in little to no business and your company may go out of business. American Eagle does a good job at advertising their new products. Since technology is the way it is today, the AE website is a great source of advertising in a way that if there is a sale going on or if there is a new product, they focus on that particular product. For example if you were to go to there website right now you would see their new winter collection, new fragrance for men, $10 off of jeans, and campus where for college students. Also they run ads for tweens and teenagers when certain shows that appeal to the target markets are on. For example, vampire diaries are on every Thursdays and are favorites of teens and tweens, AE runs ads for teens and tweens to let them know about AE and whats new and what sales they will be having. Their target market run ads on shows that tweens and teens will most likely watch. Even some of their favorite stars will wear the brand. For example Selena Gomez runs ads for AE and as a female tween or teen they watch what their favorite celebrity will do next and what they wear. Celebrities do help companies by advertising their clothes for them and it does help a lot. Also consumers help companies advertise too. If you walk out on the street and see anybody with a shirt that has an eagle embedded in it, it shows that the person enjoys wearing it and a passerby might look ad say to them self wow that's a cool shirt I want to get one of those. Consumers play an important part in advertising because they first have to accept the advertisement in order to buy the product or service. They also help by wearing or supporting the product because the word does spread really fast between family. Like someone will tell their brother about a product and trusting your brothers word, you will go and buy the product and give it a shot yourself. Family influencing is a very important part in decision making. Some families believe in one product and some dont. If they persuade you and get you to like a certain product, they have done the jobs of the markerters and increased their products business.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Business Marketing
American Eagle's business marketing is as good as it gets. I mean honestly they get more business than their rivals A&F because of their low prices and great quality products. They have more stores than A&F and Aereopostale because they have more sales than the two and because of their low prices. If a company has low prices that means that they look appealing to consumers since we have hit a recession and everybody is looking for anything that is almost free and quality since it is just pure human nature. We are always looking for something for nothing and always will have the same mindset for generations to come. And with technology as it is now, business to business online commerce is more evident especially with AE. You can order online, pay a special s&h fee and buy as much as you. You don't have to wait in those longs lines like those seen in A&F and get everything in a few business days. Or if you have that mentality that you have to touch and see and feel what you have to buy, then you can simply go to the store and proceed to do so. With business being what it is, AE is accpeted all over the world which makes it accepting to cultures other than those in the US. The demand for AE is astounding because teenagers being the target market and tweens, AE demand is up and even though teenagers wear the brand, some parents are caught wearing it too as AE is suitable for outside wear and comfortable housewear. AE's businessmarketing is right on par with the rest of the retail appereal competition.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
American Eagle Outfitters retailing overall is a big success. In the US, clothing is one of the biggest deals because of the society we live in. Everybody watches who wears what brand and some copy other people and try to outwear one another. American Eagle's competitor Abercrombie and Fitch isn't doing so well due to the decision not to drop their price even a bit. American Eagle has benefited by earning more sales revenue recently and opened more stores than A&F. With that being said, consumers nowadays and always have wanted to get great quality things for a low price. This is where American Eagle comes in. We offer way lower prices than A&F, and better quality clothes than A&F which is why AEO is known as the bargainable brand. They use non store retailing effectively because you can order your clothing needs online and avoid those chaotic lines that subtract time from your life that you will not get back. They also include online discounts on retail purchases and shipping and handling which makes it more enticing to the consumers so they can stock up on items and paying one small s&h fee. Online retailing is what is happening currently and is a way better process because you can buy whatever you like from the comfort of your own home. You can even buy things over the Internet via your iPhone or smart phone and wont even break a sweat. Times have changed but AEO has found a way to adapt to it and use it to benefit them.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Consumer Decision Making
Consumer Decision Making for American Eagle ranges from routine response behavior to extensive decision making. Consumers that buy clothes by the bulk when the stores are giving 20-40% off of merchandise are the ones who are the ones who have a mind set that since they are paying less for more will have routine response behavior. Consumers that have use extensive decision making use it because the price of either a sweater or any clothing product whether it be a shirt or jacket might be too expensive so it requires the mind to really think should i buy it now, later or at all? Consumers have a mentally that they should get more for less. Everyone thinks that way. Rarely will you see people be content with what they get and claim that they pay too much. But I think that it is based on the target market and their cultures and values. Parents that come from the baby boomer generation know how to save money and have a strict mentality towards how and when they spend their money. They are from the times where things were hard and luxuries where only a dream to them. So their mentality can either be give your children what they never had or give their children less and make them appreciate it. But since the target market is for the Y Generation, they like to spend more and want even more. They are never appreciative to what they have but want way more than they ever need. American Eagle targets consumers with both routine response behavior and extensive decision making as their psychological practices. You can walk into any American Eagle store and you can observe that the parent that is either from the tail end of the X generation or the Y generation, but you will either see two things happen. Either you see a teenager tell their parents they want either a shirt or a jeans and get it, or watch the reaction of a teenager that was told that they cant get what they want right now.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Marketing Environment
For AE, the marketing environment is tremendous. American Eagle is a brand worn by many people that exist on this planet because of its ability to find customers through their outstanding marketing team. AE have billboards in places where people pass by ever day and can see. They have commercials on TV on channels that are viewed by many of their target audience such as Disney channel, cw11, etc. Also, a popular teen icon Selena Gomez advertises for them while promoting her album she finds a way to advertise for AE. They also use sales discounts as a way to attract current customers and new potential customers due to the fact that they are selling great quality clothes for a good and bargain price. They also have gift cards to give to other customers as gifts or you can simply use them yourself. They also email you when they are having any events or sales which help people who are on a tight schedule make time and can go buy their product. AE is a very successful brand due to the fact that their target market ranges from ages 15-25 idealistically, but in reality little kids such as 4-5 year olds are seen wearing the AE brand because it is trendy right now. They also expand to young adults ages 25 to 30 depending if they are into the latest fashion or not.

Global Marketing
American Eagle globally is a global phenomenon. AE can be seen around the world in places such as Kuwait, Dubai. San Juan Puerto Rico and Canada. Stores are set to open up in Israel in 2012. While they are planning to open stores in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Tokyo. One of the reasons for such success overseas is the fact that Selena Gomez endorses the brand thus making it appealing to teenagers all over the world since she tours a lot and fans of such celebrities tend to dress similarly to their favorite celebrities because it has been like that for years. AE marketing has done a great job to make AE be worn everywhere. They use commercials in different languages to appeal to the language barrier. They have ads everywhere visible to the naked eye to promote AE. But what it comes down to is that since AE is popular in America, teenagers regardless of race or religion look up to USA as many countries do and try and implement their fashion as a way to stay current with the US. People also send clothes back to wherever they are from to those that need them and most of the time they go to teenagers who have very little but since they receive either a shirt or jeans, they feel greatful for receiving it. Customers help promote AE too in their own way not just the marketing team.
Global Marketing
American Eagle globally is a global phenomenon. AE can be seen around the world in places such as Kuwait, Dubai. San Juan Puerto Rico and Canada. Stores are set to open up in Israel in 2012. While they are planning to open stores in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Tokyo. One of the reasons for such success overseas is the fact that Selena Gomez endorses the brand thus making it appealing to teenagers all over the world since she tours a lot and fans of such celebrities tend to dress similarly to their favorite celebrities because it has been like that for years. AE marketing has done a great job to make AE be worn everywhere. They use commercials in different languages to appeal to the language barrier. They have ads everywhere visible to the naked eye to promote AE. But what it comes down to is that since AE is popular in America, teenagers regardless of race or religion look up to USA as many countries do and try and implement their fashion as a way to stay current with the US. People also send clothes back to wherever they are from to those that need them and most of the time they go to teenagers who have very little but since they receive either a shirt or jeans, they feel greatful for receiving it. Customers help promote AE too in their own way not just the marketing team.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Target Market
Amrecian Eagle Outfitters has a wide range of target market. Their target market ranges from children all the way to adults based upon the fact that customers like to stay trendy in their own ways. Originally, their target market focused on 15-25 year old people. Now as you can obsereve all around you, people are wearing AE and they like it too. I can walk down the block or go to the nearest store and I can literally see adults wearing the AE shirts they purchased on the mere fact that their kids wear the same brand. But also clothing expresses what words fail to convey and clothing does represent you in the way you feel to be represented. American Eagle's target market has a wide yet constricted demography because some countries forbid clothing unless it is traditional. Other than that, AE along with many other American brands are worn all over the world. Being that AE has a broad target market, customers attack at the very sight of being inches away at the store. For example, on the weekends the AE stores are flooded not just only tweens and teenagers, but also adults too who wants to see whats on sale and if any promotions are going on. Its equivalent to unleashing savages at the sigh of their prey. AE has affected the media too as some celebrities are seen wearing AE some happen to be teen celebrities and some are adult. But the fact of the matter is that AE is apart of the fashion industry and people who like to be well dressed and like to support AE will always help the AE company and will always be appreciated by AE.

Thursday, September 15, 2011
American Eagle Outfiiters commitment to ethics is a thing a beauty. They hold everybody responsible for the well being and upkeeping of their company which shows great committment on their part. All conflicts and or situations are handled in the best interest of the company. They tell the truth in all documents that are disclosed to the US securities and exchange. AE always follows all rules and laws that apply to them. If any codes are broken by any employee they are immediately terminated which shows that they are strict and they mean business. Their rules are portrayed in a manner in which anyone can walk into any one of their thousands of establishments and can honestly say that they were well served and they can say that they run such an environment in which they can be comfortable and wont mind going in there time and time again. AE's treatment of people makes consumers happy and makes their revenue increase due to the pure and simple fact that everything is handled in a classy and professional manner. Customer treatment is taken very seriously by AE to a level that is met by all employees.
Strategic Plan
American Eagle Outfitter's strategic plan is to try and get rid of all summer clothes by having a clearance sale that includes 30% off of merchandise.
Another strategic plan AE uses, since it is known in shopping malls all over the world, they have a huge edge which is the publicity they get unlike other stores and companies.
Another strategic plan AE uses, since it is known in shopping malls all over the world, they have a huge edge which is the publicity they get unlike other stores and companies.
American Eagle Outfiiters History
American Eagle Outfitters (NYSE: AEO) is an American clothing and accessories retailer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1977 by Mark and Jerry Silverman as a subsidiary of Retail Ventures, Inc., a company which also owned and operated Silverman's Menswear. The Silvermans sold their ownership interests in 1991.[4]
The brand targets 15 to 25 year old males and females, with 900+ retail locations in the U.S. and Canada and an online store. On March 16, 2010, American Eagle Outfitters opened its first store in the Middle East at Mirdif City Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.[5]
Some of the brand's more popular products are low-rise jeans, polo shirts, graphic T-shirts, henley shirts, boxers and briefs, outerwear, and swimwear.[6]
When the Silvermans first opened an American Eagle Outfitters store in 1977, they were looking to diversify their menswear business. Stores were set up in shopping malls and a catalog was established. The chain grew for much of the 1980s. In 1989, the owners decided to refocus their business on American Eagle Outfitters, selling their other retail chains. At this time, there were 137 American Eagle Outfitters stores including 37 in the United States.
Despite the plans for quick growth after the reorganization, American Eagle Outfitters opened only 16 new stores by 1991 and the company was losing money. At this point, the Schottensteins, who had been 50% owners of the chain since 1980, bought out the founding Silverman family's interest. This change in leadership resulted in American Eagle finding its present niche: casual clothing for men and women selling private label clothes. AE opened the first Canadian store in 2001.
When the company began trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the second quarter of 1994, it had 167 stores and a healthy cash flow. With the cash infusion from the IPO, the company opened more than 90 new stores within the next year. Several new executives joined the company in 1995 and '96, leading to another change in the target demographic. The company now wanted to reach more women and focus on people between the ages of 18 and 32.[citation needed] The strategy worked[citation needed], and over the next five years, revenues quintupled to $1 billion by 2000.[4] American Eagle claimed 1101 stores across three brands (American Eagle Outfitters, Aerie, and Martin + Osa) in November 2008 and $3 billion in revenues for the most recent fiscal year.[7]
The brand targets 15 to 25 year old males and females, with 900+ retail locations in the U.S. and Canada and an online store. On March 16, 2010, American Eagle Outfitters opened its first store in the Middle East at Mirdif City Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.[5]
Some of the brand's more popular products are low-rise jeans, polo shirts, graphic T-shirts, henley shirts, boxers and briefs, outerwear, and swimwear.[6]
When the Silvermans first opened an American Eagle Outfitters store in 1977, they were looking to diversify their menswear business. Stores were set up in shopping malls and a catalog was established. The chain grew for much of the 1980s. In 1989, the owners decided to refocus their business on American Eagle Outfitters, selling their other retail chains. At this time, there were 137 American Eagle Outfitters stores including 37 in the United States.
Despite the plans for quick growth after the reorganization, American Eagle Outfitters opened only 16 new stores by 1991 and the company was losing money. At this point, the Schottensteins, who had been 50% owners of the chain since 1980, bought out the founding Silverman family's interest. This change in leadership resulted in American Eagle finding its present niche: casual clothing for men and women selling private label clothes. AE opened the first Canadian store in 2001.
When the company began trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange in the second quarter of 1994, it had 167 stores and a healthy cash flow. With the cash infusion from the IPO, the company opened more than 90 new stores within the next year. Several new executives joined the company in 1995 and '96, leading to another change in the target demographic. The company now wanted to reach more women and focus on people between the ages of 18 and 32.[citation needed] The strategy worked[citation needed], and over the next five years, revenues quintupled to $1 billion by 2000.[4] American Eagle claimed 1101 stores across three brands (American Eagle Outfitters, Aerie, and Martin + Osa) in November 2008 and $3 billion in revenues for the most recent fiscal year.[7]
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Strategic Plan
View four of the best fighters in the world on one amazing fightcard you dont wanna miss.
One of the best fighters in the world, GSP will take on and defend his title against Nate Diaz, who is also a UFC champion and a tremendous fighter.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is an American mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion company and the largest in the world.[2] It hosts most of the top-ranked fighters [3] and produces numerous events worldwide.[4] The UFC has seven weight-divisions and enforces the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts.[5] Dana White serves as the president of the UFC; Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta control its parent company, Zuffa, LLC.[6][7][8]
Inspired by vale tudo tournaments in Brazil,[9] the UFC and the sport of MMA have roots in the ancient Olympic combat sport of Pankration in 648 BC.[10] In 1993, the UFC held its first competition in Denver, Colorado. Showcasing fighters of different disciplines—including boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, karate and other styles—the UFC sought to identify the most effective martial art in a real fight.
With a cable-television deal and expansion into Canada, Europe, Australia[11] the Middle East,[12] Asia[13] and new markets within the United States, the UFC as of 2011[update] has gained in popularity, along with greater mainstream-media coverage. As of 2011[update] viewers can access UFC programming on pay-per-view television in the U.S., Brazil , Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Italy. UFC programming can also be found on Spike, Versus, and the Fox Network [14] in the U.S., on ESPN in the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as in over 130 countries and 20 different languages worldwide.[15]
Mission Statement
The UFC is all about showing the viewers that boxing isnt the only combat sport in the world. It shows that legendary practices of fighting can become a combination and transform into the fastest growing sport all over the world.
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is an American mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion company and the largest in the world.[2] It hosts most of the top-ranked fighters [3] and produces numerous events worldwide.[4] The UFC has seven weight-divisions and enforces the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts.[5] Dana White serves as the president of the UFC; Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta control its parent company, Zuffa, LLC.[6][7][8]
Inspired by vale tudo tournaments in Brazil,[9] the UFC and the sport of MMA have roots in the ancient Olympic combat sport of Pankration in 648 BC.[10] In 1993, the UFC held its first competition in Denver, Colorado. Showcasing fighters of different disciplines—including boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, karate and other styles—the UFC sought to identify the most effective martial art in a real fight.
With a cable-television deal and expansion into Canada, Europe, Australia[11] the Middle East,[12] Asia[13] and new markets within the United States, the UFC as of 2011[update] has gained in popularity, along with greater mainstream-media coverage. As of 2011[update] viewers can access UFC programming on pay-per-view television in the U.S., Brazil , Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Italy. UFC programming can also be found on Spike, Versus, and the Fox Network [14] in the U.S., on ESPN in the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as in over 130 countries and 20 different languages worldwide.[15]
Mission Statement
The UFC is all about showing the viewers that boxing isnt the only combat sport in the world. It shows that legendary practices of fighting can become a combination and transform into the fastest growing sport all over the world.
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